When a Destiny is Born

As I revealed last week, I am working on a new book. It will be a follow-up to “greatness.” It will target parents and mentors and leaders. The working title right now is “Raising greatness.” Once again this week I’m sharing a few lines from the book in progress that I hope encourage your heart today:

The experience of finding and receiving a God-given dream is other-worldly. Deep passion is ignited. These moments are precious and will be treasured. They allow us to experience time out of time. When a destiny is born there is confirmation in the heart. The atmosphere is shifted and joy is deep. Be anticipating these moments…

When we walk into our dream, our calling, light comes into the darkness, meaning is given to the meaningless, inspiration enters others from ours and fuel is ignited in the flickering flames of those who are lost and those who have been imprisoned in a life of hopelessness, despair, and regret. They catch a glimpse of heaven—and a glimpse of heaven is awe-inspiring.

- Raising greatness, unpublished manuscript, copyright 2023

“Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you.”
- Isaiah 60: 1 NIV

Join Dr. Cook for a Fireside Master Class
in the Texas Hill Country.

greatness LIVE! • Fredericksburg, TX • Nov 9, 2023

 greatness LIVE is an intimate fireside chat Master Class experience based on the best-selling book by acclaimed peak performance coach, Dr. David L. Cook.

Join us on November 9that The Nimitz Gallery and Hotel in beautiful Fredericksburg, Texas, for a day of inspiring stories and life-changing principles from Dr. Cook’s four decades of peak performance coaching.