I wish you could spend a day with me in Utopia...

I am not sure why but it just seems to be a place for personal revelation -- an epicenter of heavenly downloads. Something unexplainable happens as I sit among the majestic Cypress that line the shimmering crystalline Sabinal River. The Cypress needles are dressed in their elegant autumn red. The scent of a chimney’s first fire stirs the soul and awakens some ancient emotion.  The feathery cirrus clouds hang high above the v shaped patterns of the ushers of change. The caress of the long anticipated north breeze breaks the hold of summer causing it to drift ever further south to the lower hemisphere. It’s a new season… 

Since you can’t be here in person, I write. I have to write as if some hidden treasure compels me. And the treasure of words appear in this mystical place called Utopia. Once again they move me to tears and laughter as if I am scribing for “the Voice.”  I invite you to spend time with me in Utopia… to share in this experience by taking a second trek with Johnny as he guides us into a place of wonder. Johnny’s U.S. Open: Golf’s Sacred Journey 2 is the archway to our “next season.” If you feel led… LinksofUtopia.com is holding your two copies… one for you and a free copy for a friend.  I love the journey with you and cherish the idea that the mystery of words can bring us together in Utopia.  The free book – that is for your friend, the one “the Voice” will identify for you… the one that is in need of a message from Johnny this Christmas... and beyond.

Your friend on this sacred journey,

David L. Cook




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